Frequently asked questions about hook & loop
Here are some of the most commonly asked questions that we receive on our website or are asked to our sales representatives. Specialty hook and loop fastening materials come in many different constructions with a wide variety of features and performance characteristics to meet most industry needs. Please don’t hesitate to Contact Us if you have a question.
Q: Where can I buy Halco(R) hook and loop? How is it sold?
A: Halco sells directly to manufacturing and B2B customers and has a very limited number of relationships with dealers and other converters for select opportunities. Please speak with a Halco sales representative to obtain pricing, availability, and to order.
Q: Which of Halco’s Hook and Loop products are equivalent to the Velcro 88 Hook and Velcro 1000 Loop?
A: Halco’s 100% Nylon Woven Hook and Loop is a suitable alternative to the Velcro 88 and Velcro 1000 fasteners. View Product
Q: Does Halco sell hook and loop outside the United States?
A: Halco has a global presence including sites in the USA, UK, France, Germany, and Australia. We supply into over 30 countries across Europe, the Americas, and Asia.
Q: Does Halco ever sell through dealers or retailers?
A: Halco primarily sells direct to manufacturers but has a limited number of relationships with dealers to reach select markets and opportunities. Halco typically does not sell through retail to consumers. If you are a dealer and wish to sell Halco products, please speak with a Halco sales representative.
Q: Does Halco offer inventory and pricing agreements?
A: Yes. Halco will hold inventory for a particular customer in exchange for a blanket order. Please speak to a Halco sales representative to discuss options.
Q: Is Halco hook and loop the same as Velcro? Does Halco sell Velcro or any other brand of hook and loop?
A: Velcro(R) is a brand of hook and loop fastener that is owned, manufactured, and marketed by Velcro Companies. Halco(R) has its own brand and a comprehensive portfolio of hook and loop fastening materials. Halco also sells and converts select fastening products manufactured by 3M.
Q: Do I always have to buy two different products (a hook and a loop)?
A: For most applications, the customer will need to buy both a hook product and a separate loop product that are often matched and have approximately the same price. However, Halco does offer some unique products, like back-to-back, mixed hook and loop, Dual Lock and mushroom cap fasteners that fasten to themselves and require only one product.
Q: What is the widest hook and loop material I can get?
A: The maximum width of most Halco hook and loop materials vary by-product with the most common being 6”. Other maximum widths are 4”, 7”, 12”, and 60”. These details can be found on each product’s product page. Some wider-width materials are available for select products, like Halco knit loop and medical knit loop.
Q: Does hook and loop come in different fastening strengths?
A: Yes. The closure strength varies by product and Halco offers different styles of hook material to achieve different closure strengths.
Q: Can I get colors other than black and white? What if I need to match a specific color?
A: Halco offers a large selection of standard colors, including colors for the military, and a dye-to-match program. The standard colors are shown on each product page. If you need to match a specific color that you don’t see on the website, please speak with a Halco sales representative. View our Standard Color Chart
Q: Does Halco’s adhesive-backed hook and loop stick well to most substrates?
A: Halco offers an assortment of rubber and acrylic adhesives that are pre-coated. It also offers a selection of pressure-sensitive adhesive tapes from 3M and other suppliers that can be laminated to a Halco hook and loop product. For more guidance on adhesives selection, please see our Adhesives Selection page or speak with a Halco sales representative.
Q: Can I use a Halco hook and loop product outside?
A: Halco has a line of Polyester Hook and Loop products that are frequently used outside in such applications as pickup tonneau covers, awnings, tents, and in the marine market.
Q: What Halco hook and loop products are suitable for fabrics?
A: Halco has a wide range of products for sew-in and textile applications including specialty materials that are elastic or are flame and fire retardant! See our Textile and Molded Hook and Loop page to learn more.
Q: Are Halco hook and loop fasteners available in round circles (coins) on a roll?
A: Halco is a major manufacturer of die-cut coins, offering them with both rubber and acrylic adhesive in a variety of colors. Halco can also spool wind these coins in long-length rolls to reduce unnecessary change-outs.
Q: Does Halco make straps for its customers?
A: Halco fabricates custom straps for a variety of customers in various industries. Please see our Fabricated Straps page to learn more. A sample kit that shows different kinds of fabricated straps is also available.
Q: What if I need a special shape or size of hook and loop?
A: Halco offers die-cutting and slitting services to customize its hook and loop materials to the needs of its manufacturing customers. Please see our Converting Capabilities page to learn more.
Q: Does Halco do any fabrication, sewing or welding of hook and loop parts?
A: Yes, similar to the question on strap fabrication, Halco does offer specialty fabrication services of flexible materials that includes material sourcing, sewing, and welding. Halco is able to work with manufacturers by fabricating finished soft goods to help streamline and improve their efficacy and processes.
Q: Can Halco produce a CAD drawing and a prototype of the part that I need?
A: Halco provides engineering support to our customers. Please see the Rapid Prototyping page to learn more or speak with a Halco sales representative.